What Are Family Reunification Coaches
- Target population: Parents involved with the child or welfare system, families in crisis, families that are stuck in negative interactive patterns
- Services/types that fit: Typically outpatient services in an individual or group format that include assessment, case planning, case management, education, and/or skill building
- Delivered by: Trained paraprofessionals
- Qualifications: Family reunification coaches are trained life coaches, therapists, counselors, or clergy.
- In order to be rated: The goal of this program is to increase positive outcomes for families, such as the decreased occurrence of maltreatment, reduced out-of-home placement, increased engagement in services, or improvements in knowledge and satisfaction

*Taken from http://www.cebc4cw.org/topic/parent-partner-programs-for-families-involved-in-the-child-welfare-system/